I believe it is important to always practice humility, particularly as a management consultant where if you don’t keep yourself in check you could allow your ego to make quick assumptions and rush to a solution before truly understanding the problem your client faces. I aim to prove my worth through achieving results that my clients are happy with and will not oversell myself. I would also rather be underestimated than overestimated.


As a management consultant, we do generally have the upper hand on objectivity due to being the outsider looking in, however it is important to capture this as a core value, to ensure it remains at the forefront. The unique nature of each business needs to be appreciated regardless of how many ‘similar’ clients from an industry you have worked with. The ability to be objective at all times is incredibly important and will occasionally result in not telling a client just what they want to hear. I promise to provide an objective outlook and provide constructive challenge when needed.


As an energetic and enthusiastic person who is passionate about what they do, I will strive to show the same passion I have for my work over the last twenty years, for the next twenty years and more. Anything can be learnt given enough time but passion is a deeper state that once you have it, needs to be nurtured to remain alight. Passion gives us energy to go the extra mile, keeps us focused when we hit obstacles and is contagious to everyone we work with.


An ability to be resilient in the face of setbacks has always been fundamental to me in both my work and home life. When something goes wrong, my approach has always been; Why did it go wrong? What lessons can be learnt from this? Once I’ve captured the lessons to revisit at a later time I focus all my energy into fixing the issue or reducing the impact as much as possible. I will revisit the lessons learned in more detail but only after the crisis is averted. And once the lessons are fully understood and captured with appropriate action plans, I will not dwell on them and will also see setbacks as a positive opportunity to learn something. This approach has proved invaluable over the years and I aim to mentor an approach of resilience into the people I work with so that they also understand what a core value it is.